Care+ for Corporate Base License 1y

One year Care Plus for XPCOBT

Product nr: 115147
Care+ for Corporate Base License 1y One year Care Plus for XPCOBT

Milestone Care Plus is a service package designed to ensure you are ready for the future. Whether the future brings new technological innovations or responses to security challenges, this packages helps keep your system up-to-date and ready to react quickly to changes and opportunities.

Three reasons to update your system:
With instant access to three annual product updates, you are guaranteed a wealth of new capabilities that are designed to make your product better, safer and more powerful.

Keep up with innovation:
Milestone adds new functionality to its products three times per year. Milestone Care Plus lets you keep up with these innovations and optimize your total cost of ownership.

Secure technology fit over time:
Add and benefit from new technology as soon as its available to continually improve your surveillance system.
Running on the latest version available ensures you can take advantage of new technology that is built to improve performance and optimized hardware utilization.

Reduce vulnerabilities:
A secure system starts with an up-to-date system. Care Plus gives you continuous access to new security features. With three releases annually, Milestone can instantly respond to the changing landscape and address new threats via product updates. This gives you the ultimate peace of mind.